Thesis Statement

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What is a thesis?

Your thesis statement asserts the central idea of your writing. The thesis takes a clear-cut position on a debatable topic, or summarizes the main point or argument of your paper. The thesis answers the main question or problem associated with your topic, which your course’s assignment directions often state.

Why should I write a thesis?

Think of a thesis like the starting point on a map. If you don’t have a starting point, then it is difficult to plan your route and reach your destination (your conclusion). The thesis provides a roadmap that lets your readers know where your ideas are headed. Furthermore, it engages them and makes them think about your topic from the start.

A well-written thesis will help you create a clear, concise paper with a strong argument. When writing persuasively, you need to know what you want to prove or your essay will lack focus. The smaller points that form your detailed arguments should flow from your thesis. …show more content…

Often it is a sentence or two at the end of the introduction. (Other non-Western cultures may place the thesis elsewhere, such as at the end of the paper.)
"Performance Enhancement Through Biotechnology Has No Place in Sports." Hammond. From A Writer's Reference, 7th Edition, ed. by Diana Hacker & Nancy Sommers.
Athletes who use any type of biotechnology give themselves an unfair advantage and disrupt the sense of fair play, and they should be banned from competition.

Testing your Thesis

It is important to test your thesis in order to make sure it answers the appropriate questions and arguments. Here are some sample questions to evaluate

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