'There Was A Crooked Manuscript'

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There are many forms of academic dishonesty with plagiarism the most common. Plagiarism as defined by Britannica Academic "the act of taking the writings of another person and passing them off as one’s own. The fraudulence is closely related to forgery and piracy-practices generally in violation of copyright laws." (Plagiarism, 2017, n.p.). In this way, plagiarism covers a broad range of intellectual theft. For instance, incorrectly citing or not citing work, taking the authors words out of context, falsifying graphs or data and resubmitting work twice with claims of its originality (mostly for college students). Tragically, without even knowing it, people plagiarize by neglecting to utilize quotation marks to symbolize someone else's scholarship. …show more content…

That is because the world-wide-web, blogging, and the sharing of information in online databases are simple for perpetrators to steal research and republish as exclusive to them. One case of plagiarism was described by the professor of political science Kevin T. McGuire (2010). McGuire who recently composed five scholarly journal publications wrote about his personal experience as a victim of plagiarism in the article "There Was a Crooked Manuscript: A Not-So-Serious Look at the Serious Subject of Plagiarism." The plagiarizer of McGuire's research stole his manuscript while changing the wording and omitting the empirical research of tables and analysis (McGuire, 2010). By this, the fraudulent act combined obscuring information and skewing authenticity. Meaning that the disregard for proper research left the plagiarizer unable to support an original argument or metathesis. Furthermore, the acts of the plagiarizer show that one forgery relates to or causes more to occur. To put it simply, "the plagiarist steals not only an author's words but a part of the author's reputation by siphoning away the credit for that scholarly work (McGuire, 2010, p. 113). Both the plagiarist and plagiarized are affected making intellectual theft related concern for all

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