Theory Of Functionalism

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Functionalism is one of the major theroritcial perspectives in sociology. Functionalism emphasizes that in order for society to function efficiently and effectively, each individual part or structure has a duty to contribute to the stability of the whole society. Society cannot function if one part is not functioning. Each part is organized to fulfill different needs and contribute something different to society. The parts are all dependent on each other. The primary focus for a functionalist is the fundamentals of social order, social stability and social solidarity. Social institutions are a collective means to meet individual and social needs. Functionalists draw from ideas set by Emile Durkeim. His focus was on “explor[ing] the nature of the bonds that tie social groups and/or the individual to society” (Appelrouth, 81). He explained social solidarity and stability through the concepts of Mechanical solidarity and Organic solidarity. Mechanical solidarity is characterized by the feeling of likeness because everyone is doing and feeling the same way. People in traditional societies have a sense of oneness that is fundamental in maintaining social order. In modern institutions, individuals specialize in different types of jobs thus solidarity came from the fact that individuals were dependent upon each other for each other’s specific skills. Robert K Merton, however shifted his focus on human functions. These functions are more commonly known as manifest and latent functions. Merton refers to manifest functions as “ the overt or intended purpose of action”, while latent functions are the “implicit or unintended purpose” (Applerouth 356). For instance, the manifest function for going to school is to become educated in the knowle... ... middle of paper ... ...ler knows that that individual will accept a higher price without negotiation. After the seller makes the first offer, he immediately figures out if the buyer is a negotiator or a retail buyer (“a guy who shops around for a good price”). Based on this new information, the seller comes up with the next offer. The buyer and seller feed off eachother and make decisions based on the others pattern of actions. Structural functionalists is all about teamwork and cooperaration. It breaks down society, looking at instituions and subsystems and the interrelations amoung those parts. The only reason for poverty that is gives is that poverty is soley a part of how society works together to function. This theory relies too heavily on the notion that social structures have purposes or goals. They don’t account for social change believe people cooperate to effect social order.

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