Theme Of Oppression In The Handmaid's Tale

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The novel we have been studying is The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, in this novel the society is an oppressed society and she shows oppression in the culture and everyday life. The way in which Margaret Atwood wrote the novel we can determine the oppression in the characters. We also see the individual oppression and the group oppression from the internal thoughts of the narrator. In this novel I think that Margaret Atwood wanted to show the relation between standardized and personalized oppression. The Handmaid’s Tale is oppression through the system and society in which they need to carry out or be part of certain ceremonies. The Handmaid’s don’t get to choose whether or not to participate in these ceremonies, because they are being oppressed by the society they have to do as they are told. Offred however does mention that the option of becoming a Handmaid was hers, but if she had not taken this …show more content…

Margaret Atwood reviles in her book how standardized oppression can easily cause personalized oppression, and how if one accepts oppression they get from being in a society which is oppressive then that person starts to feel internally oppressed. Almost all of the characters in this book feel both of these oppressions. Through out the book Margaret Atwood used short phrases to exaggerate the personalized oppression which the characters felt. The way in which the novel was written allows the reader enter the mind and thoughts of the narrator, which helps us understand that the oppression the characters are feeling from the society leads to the personal oppression they feel. Margaret Atwood shows us the continues cycle of oppression and how it is a continues cycle, she shows us the connection between standardized oppression and personal oppression and that group oppression leads to individual

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