Theme Of Corruption And Satisfaction In Frankenstein

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Corruption and satisfaction are two characteristics which are revealed many times in British Literature. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein develops these characteristics deeply in particular with the character of the monster. The monster demonstrates corruption and satisfaction when it comes to his demand to have a female companion. He cares deeply about the satisfaction of having a companion just as in Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Lady Macbeth stands by Macbeth’s side after what happened at the dinner he was having with others. “I pray you, speak not, he grows worse and worse; Question enrages him. At once, good night; Stand not upon the order of your going; But go at once” (3.4.116-19) Macbeth felt so guilty about his decisions that once he had murderers …show more content…

They may take away the loneliness, however, they can push and make changes to one’s morals and go with what the other one wants. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was able to utilize these two characteristics in the character of the monster. The monster was adamant about the want of a female companion and how he would be happy from the moon to the ground with this creation. He articulated the wants and needs of his demand to his creator and made sure this female creature would be created by playing with the guilt Victor Frankenstein had about leaving the monster to find a way in this world on his own. Victor knew this female companion would fulfill the monster’s need for an equal companion and how she would be there for him when nobody else was. Just like Macbeth when Lady Macbeth stood up for her husband and how she made sure nobody stared and judged him. Victor Frankenstein also knew, however, this monster could also be a bad influence on the male monster and corrupt him in ways that would danger the people of society. Once he knew the creature would never be brought to life, Frankenstein knew the monster would coordinate his revenge on the breaking of the promise on Frankenstein’s part. Just as in The Cotter’s Saturday Night, Frankenstein was worried this new creature would be a danger to society and even though the monster had made a promise to stay out of society’s way, the female monster would persuade him to break his promise or fear he would lose her forever. This female monster both corrupts the male monster and satisfies the monster. He would never be lonely again and would have an equal companion, but he would have the influence of her and his views of her to deter him from what he promised to

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