Theme Essay

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Imagine a world where the community you live in has so much power over you that they even control your feelings and deprive you of your memories. Although they might seem unavailing at first, memories are a crucial and necessary aspect of life, and this is explicitly shown in the renowned book, The Giver, by Lois Lowry. In this comprehensive and thought provoking book, Jonas’ community has permanently taken away memories and has given the burden of holding these memories to the receiver. As he obtains many memories as the receiver, Jonas soon realizes the importance of them and how much the community is suffering without them. Primarily, as he experiences pain and loss through his thorough memories, Jonas realizes the many flaws that his once “perfect” community has. As he examined the horrendous release video, Jonas felt a sense of sorrow and sympathy that no other person in the community can experience. Lowry thoroughly explains, “Jonas felt a ripping sensation inside of himself, the feeling of terrible pain clawing its way forward to emerge in a cry” (Lowry 151). Given memories, Jonas can tell that killing a newborn child just because he/she is different is unnecessary. In contrast, since Jonas’ father did not ever experience sorrow through memories, he cannot tell right from wrong; therefore, eliminating the baby will bring no pain to him. All in all, since Jonas had the meticulous memories to guide him, he was able to experience things that strengthened his mindset and his opinions.
In addition to sorrow and sympathy, with memories one can also obtain an immense amount of knowledge and wisdom. With certain memories of loss and fail, one can prevent the mishaps that might occur in the future. For example, when the ...

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...finition of happiness, they enjoy all the things that their community provides them with and do not strive towards a brighter and better future. For instance, they are not able to see any flaws in their self-sustained community since without memories, they do not fathom what happiness is. Nevertheless, since Jonas realizes that there is a better and more enjoyable place Elsewhere, he constantly struggles to better his life. Consequently, memories helped Jonas experience the wide variety of emotions which are critical to his wellbeing, and made him work for an efficient future. Although, if the other innocent members of the community do not comprehend happiness, how will they acquire all the splendid advantages of inheriting memories? At last, only with the memories did Jonas experience true love and happiness and constantly yearn towards a certain aspiration.

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