The Giver Quote Analysis

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The Community keeps the memories away from the people, which means that they ignore their past, and cannot gain wisdom or bliss. For example, when the Giver was explaining what memories are to Jonas, he says, “There’s much more… I re-experience them again and again. It is how wisdom comes. And how we shape our future,”(Lowry 78). The Giver describes how wisdom comes in this quote. Without memories, nobody can make the right decision, which will lead to a bad choice. Without memories, one cannot shape his or her future. In addition, when Jonas describes the pain he feel when experiencing a sunburn when, “‘It hurts a lot,’ Jonas said, ‘but I’m glad you gave it to me. It was interesting,”(Lowry 86). This quote show that Jonas does not understand …show more content…

As a matter of fact, when Jonas’s father is giving release to the newborn baby, Jonas begins to understand what release really is when, “‘… I know this hurts little guy’… as he continued to watch, the new child, no longer crying, moved his arms and eggs in a jerking motion. Then he went limp… He killed it!”(Lowry 149-150). Jonas’s father unknowingly murdered a newborn child under the name of release. He did not know what death was, let alone murder. Jonas's father did not understand the value of life really was. The Community makes sure that their residents do not know the true meaning of release. Just because they ignore the fact that several murders happen frequently, does not mean that the reality behind it disappears with it. Ignoring this, does not make the residents of the Community live a blissful life. In the beginning of the novel, when the Jonas talks about what release means, he says, “… to be released… a terrible punishment, an overwhelming statement of failure,”(Lowry 20). The citizens of the Community do not know what release really is. Children are scolded for improperly using the word release, but are never informed on the correct definition of it. All they are aware of is the term

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