The Year 1792 of the French Revolution and the September Massacre

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“After she was dead one of the assassins ripped out her heart and ate it while another stuck her head on a pike and paraded it beneath the Queens window” (Gautreu). The queen there talking about is Marie Antoinette. She was the archduchess of Austria and when she married Louis the king tension started to grow between Austria and France . This eventually lead up to the September massaacre. In this the author is speaking of Princess de Lambelle. She accompanied the royal family to the Tuileries; she was the daughter of King at the time, Louis the 16th. This is a description of what happened to the princess during those awful days in September. This is some of the ways people were murdered during the year 1792. Therefore The September Massacre was the most important part of the French Revolution because it had many events leading up to it, the largest number of fatalities during, and had many consequences afterwards.

In the nine months leading up to that fatal day, tragedies no man can fathom happened starting with the first few months in which the turmoil began. March 9th and 10th of 1792, the king of France at the time, Louis the 16th formed a monarchy government, but most citizens were forcing a government change since 1789 (Brown). However, other citizens and prisoners of France disagreed with his choice and began to rebelle. As soon as April came along Paris went to war with Austria (World Book Ink, “Encyclopedia” 414). This happened because Paris was trying to go back to the former government solely based on agriculture even though they agreed they would keep it as it was with the new monarchy government. Later, on April 20th 1792 Prussia joined sides with Austria in the war against France (Brown). After a large amount ...

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...onaparte came up from his military and political position then took over France declaring himself as emperor of the country from 1804 to 1814. Although the year 1793 was the most important part of the Revolution; it could've never happened without the tragedies in the year 1792, especially the September Massacre.

This is why the September Massacre was the most important part of the French Revolution because of the many months leading up to the tragedy, the five days of complete turmoil, and the two months afterwards. "A sensibility that wails almost exclusively over the enemies of liberty seems suspect to me. Stop shaking the tyrants bloody robe in my face, or I will believe that you wish to put Rome in chains." (Gautreu) This was said by Robespierre which earlier in this year made the plan to take the king off of his throne and takes over in the year 1793.

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