The Visualized Reality: The Simulated Reality Hypothesis

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The Simulated Reality Hypothesis

The simulated reality hypothesis is a simple idea that says that we, and everything in the known universe, is currently living inside a computer simulation. This idea has been talked about by philosophers for centuries and even has some ties to religion. Sci-fi writers have been writing about simulated reality for years and we have seen it visualised on tv shows yet the idea that we may be living inside of a computer simulation is almost unknown to most people.

Perhaps one of the earliest forms of this hypothesis comes from the chinese philosopher Zhuangzi. In the 4th century Zhuangzi wrote one of his most famous stories called “Zhuang Zhou Dreams of Being a Butterfly” In it he wrote "Once upon a time, Zhuang Zhou dreamed he was a butterfly, a butterfly flitting about happily enjoying himself. He did not know that he was Zhou. Suddenly he awoke, and was palpably Zhou. He did not know whether he was Zhou, who had dreamed of being a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming that he was Zhou. Now, there must be a difference between Zhou and the butterfly. This is called the transformation of things."

This is an important story because it brings up the problem that directly challenges reality. If you can tell the difference between being awake and being asleep then how can you tell if you are now dreaming or awake?

Buddhism and other eastern religions believe that existence is but an illusion. That reality is just a big dream. Perhaps these religions are right but didn’t have the technology available to describe a computer simulation at the time.

The idea that we are all living in a simulation was explored in the movie “The Matrix” where everyones brain was directly plugged into a computer and the only w...

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...rays work and we had never noticed before. That is why other tests are required to prove the hypothesis. Another such test would be to measure the magnetic properties of subatomic muon particles. Unfortunately even this would not prove we are living in a simulation. If we were living in a sufficiently advanced simulation that was built on a scale smaller than a planck length then it may be impossible to determine whether or not the reality we experience is real.

If we are living in a simulation perhaps that would explain some of the reasons why we find certain numbers and patterns in our reality. Such as the Fibonacci sequence, pi, the golden ratio, and the fact that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. To a skeptical mind all these things might suggest that the designer of a simulated reality took shortcuts and simply repeated some math to save time.

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