The Vietnam War: The Berlin Wall And The Space Race

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The Cold War was a tension between the Soviet Union and the United States from 1945 to 1990. After WWII, the U.S. wasn’t happy with the USSR for signing a nonaggression pact with Germany and the USSR wasn’t happy with the U.S. for not invading Germany earlier. The Cold War got its name because the United States and the Soviet Union were afraid of fighting each other directly, so they fought indirectly. The events of the Cold War, including the Vietnam War, the Berlin Wall, and the Space Race impacted the world and connect to a variety of historical events.
The Korean War can be compared to the Vietnam War because of the attempts to fight communism, lack of victory, and the unpopularity in the United States. The Korean War and the Vietnam War …show more content…

and USSR maintained governments on each side, separating their differences. The same is happening today with North and South Korea. According to an article by United States History the eastern side of the Berlin Wall was controlled by the Soviet Union and the western side was controlled by the United States and the allies. Similar to 1950, says North Korea was supported by the USSR and South Korea was supported by the U.S. which leads to the same governments in the Koreas today. The Berlin Wall compares to the DMZ of North Korea because they were both built out of communism, are dangerous to cross, and at some point involved the United States and the Soviet …show more content… says the USSR launched the world’s first artificial satellite, Sputnik, on October 4th, 1957. This started the Space Race because the U.S. and USSR always wanted to be ahead of each other. In 1958, the US launched Explorer I and created NASA. In the following year the USSR launched the first space probe to hit the moon. The American Museum of Natural History says that in 1949, the United States was the only country with nuclear weapons. That soon changed when the Soviet Union came out with an atomic bomb. This started the arms race. In 1952, the US created a Hydrogen Bomb, so in 1953 the Soviet Union came out with its own version. Each race started because the US and the USSR always wanted to be ahead of each

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