The Vietnam War

567 Words2 Pages

During the war in Vietnam, Americans growing opposition towards the war increased especially in 1967. By 1967 close to nineteen thousand soldiers had died so far and each month, another thirty thousand were drafted into the military. Also, Americans were once again agitated when, in order to meet the costly war expenses, President Johnson requested the creation of new taxes (Keene 792). The Americans who opposed the war included working- and middle-class people, college students, working-class women, and African Americans and they were all apart of the antiwar movement. These college students, African Americans, and middle class members recognized the problems with the war, were affected socially and culturally by the war, and helped shape the general response to the war by the American public. Even though peace activists such as college students, African Americans, etc. opposed the war, they had different opinions as to why the war should end. Some peace advocates argued that the war should end due to moral reasons. The moral reason why the war should according to peace activists ...

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