The Use of Pertinent Film Techniques in Falling Down

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The Use of Pertinent Film Techniques in Falling Down

Falling Down was released in 1992 and directed by Joel Schumacher,

other films of his including The Client(1994)and also 8mm(1998). The

opening sequence of Falling Downuses many techniques to portray the

emotional and psychological effects of the events taking place around

Michael Douglas' character.

The first technique that is apparent to me is from the very beginning

of the film. The openings to many films are action packed sequences

with a whole lot of sound effects and music to accompany them but

Falling Downuses none of these, just a silent, black screen over which

the credits roll. This effect leaves the audience in suspense of what

is going to happen straight away in the film. There is a sense of

unawareness almost immediately. It is almost like a last resort before

the pandemonium that is about to ensue hits you.

When the action begins it is of a full close up of a man's sweaty

forehead. The camera pulls away to reveal the whole face of the man

and he is completely soaked in beads of sweat. His hair looks as

though he's been in an electric shock and he's wearing thickly rimmed

dark glasses. The glasses serve to make his eyes look heavy and

wearisome. He wears a smart shirt and trousers with a black and white

tie leading to the conclusion he is some sort of businessmen. He also

carries a briefcase that becomes apparent later in the sequence. This

is also where the first use of sound comes into the film. As soon as

his soaked head is on the screen he's making heavy breathing sounds as

if trying to calm down. The camera angle then slowly pulls away to the

side of the ca...

... middle of paper ...

...e traffic works.

Throughout the whole film I think it is evident that the narrative is

pulling us towards the conclusion that, through Michael Douglas'

characters actions and within the mise-en-scene, he is indeed having

some sort of mid life crisis and that this is the day which sends him

over the edge. The noises, actions and people around him are just the

everyday sorts of hustle and bustle and compiled with the heat of the

day, it all takes its toll.

So in conclusion, through the actions of the character, the diegetic

sounds constantly being present and the sights of shouting, arguing

angry people, I think that it is safe to say that the narrator wants

us to think that he is on the verge of some sort of mid life crisis

and has finally reached breaking point, leaving us to wonder what he

is going to do next.

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