The Use Of Tone In Wild Grapes

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The Tone in “Wild Grapes” Through the poem “Wild Grapes”, the poet writes as an older woman retelling a powerful story from her childhood that she now relates to a heartbreak. She tells of what seemed like a traumatic experience and how the physical aspects of the experience are related to the emotions she feels today. The story in itself represents her wishing to let go of her broken heart, yet she cannot bring herself to do so. Robert Frost writes as the woman’s younger self and older self to show how the woman now views the situation as her wiser self. She invokes a sense of nostalgia as she recalls the events and relates them to a more serious situation than her childhood story. Frost’s telling of the younger and older woman leads the …show more content…

He recalls her childhood thoughts and emotions creating the storyline that allows the audience to see the situation through the point of view of a little girl. Frost is able to write as a young girl with humor shown through the use of side phrases. For example, when climbing the tree and her brother tries to convince her to jump down he says, “’I’ll catch you in my arms. It isn’t that far.’ (Stated in lengths of him it might not be)”. By showing the young sense of humor this girl has, the reader is able to feel as though they can understand and relate to her situation although they may not have experienced the same thing. The woman is able to see the humor in the situation, yet also feels a sense of pity for her younger self. By showing the humor of the young girl and the older woman, he is able to show how she has matured. Her lack of knowledge and foolish behavior as a child, leads the audience to feel a sense of nostalgia for their own youth. The story switches between the thoughts and dialogue of the woman’s past and present self. Frost is better able to show this by establishing a voice for each separate

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