The US and UN Relationship

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Often when you mention the UN, nearly you are about to mention the US. A lot is shared between this country and this international institution. The commonality range from the way the way the UN was formed to the way it is governed today. Since the time the UN was established, the US has been having notable influence on the operations of the UN. A lot can be attributed to this aspect, but among those, it is important to mention that America’s budget support for the UN cannot be underscored by anybody. Statistically, the US supports 25% of the UN’s budget and this gesture clearly communicates how committed the US is to the affairs of the UN. America, though indirectly, commands the world and through the UN, it effectively accomplishes this goal. America is the superpower and that is not negotiable. America led to the formation of the UN and hence the UN leans a lot on the US. Nevertheless, times have changed and radicalism is shaping the way the future will be managed. Many people, or rather countries are compelling the magnitude of the influence America has in the running of the UN. They question the valid of the aspect of inclusion in the management and decision making process of the UN. Generally, the UN is ought to take account of all the nation’s opinions and promote unity. The poor countries have a feeling that their opinion is of no any effect in the world’s governing body, the UN, and hence are inputting all efforts possible to ensure that this phenomenon is eliminated. Normally, the UN is governed using democratic principles and voting is used to ultimately making the final decisions. However, America stands a chance to willingly give in to the demands of these countries or to state her case vehemently through facts that co... ... middle of paper ... ...a on the other has resources, both financial and in terms of labor. The military capabilities are also splendid and this positions her to solve any problem diplomatically or through a military action. An opinion from the UN is seen a means to grace what already the US has resolved. America endeavors to have influential allies within and outside the Security Council so that it does not fail on any of her mandate. This being the case, the major question which lingers in minds of many is whether America needs to change her policy toward the relationship between her and the UN. The American Citizens are too interested in the eventualities that take place in the US-UN relationship as it is their money that is used in these policies. Some believe that US needs to revitalize the policies where as others are of the opinion that the founder’s vision should be left as it is.

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