The Two Old Women's Bet Short Story

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The first story I told was “The Two Old Women’s Bet”. It was really light hearted and fun. It really made me laugh and it showed me not to take life so seriously. The story helped me shed some light on my humorous side and also helped me step outside of my comfort zone. At first I felt like I couldn’t personally relate very well to the story because it was about two old women and their husbands. Looking at it now the two old women remind me of my grandmother. She’s always had a really vibrant personality. She was constantly laughing and telling jokes. I think a lot of younger people fear getting older and for me this story really proved that no matter what age you can always laugh and enjoy life. I’m a young woman that has a long life a head of her filled with laughter along the way. …show more content…

We all got to know one another little by little as we went through the daily excises in class. The class had a real we’re all in this together feel. The class also got closer to you as you told stories about your life. We all put ourselves out them in a vulnerable way and because of that it made us closer. In most classes you don’t learn much about your classmates, but because we were forced to interact with one another we knew each other as people and not just students.
Before the class I knew Matt through a mutual friend. I knew that he was into acting, but I had never seen him perform anything. He did a good job telling his stories and I could tell how charismatic he was about it. I also learned a lot of little facts about him that I didn’t know before. Even though I didn’t get to hear is last performance I did get to hear the idea. I didn’t know that he had gotten into a near death car crash earlier in the year. It was eye opening to me. Everyone has stories that they don’t tell anyone. I defiantly felt like I knew Matt better because of this

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