Definition Of Success Essay

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Is there someone you know that is wealthy and prominent? Do they demonstrate the characteristics of a successful person in today’s society? Media today has effectively convinced our society into accepting an untrue, even possibly hazardous definition of success. Even though Webster’s dictionary defines success as “achieving wealth, respect, and fame,” the definition of success is different for everyone. Society wants us to accept that having money, having big house, and owning multiple cars is the key to happiness, and henceforth, success. This is a lie; success is not having a large amount of money nor does it have to deal with fame. Society wants us to believe that living a life devoted to the pursuit of money will lead to success. Sadly, this is not true. Though money can buy conveniences and comforts, one will need much more than artificial amenities to live a successful, well-balanced life. Money makes life easier, not better. For example, money cannot make some intelligent, only hard work and dedication will lead a person to become smart. Money cannot …show more content…

Monotonous advertisements that are ceaselessly presented to Americans have become imbedded into memory and habit, changing the accepted definition of success into something disgraceful. “Success” has been sadly materialized to represent prominence and acceptance. In the words of Bill Cosby, “I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” People today are merely a mindless conformists locked in a hopeless struggle to keep up with the current fads. Like Mr. Cosby said, most people today are trying to please everyone else and gain popularity. With this vision of success most Americans have become brainwashed trying to keep up with the latest and greatest trends thinking that they will gain popularity. Contrary to popular belief, fame and popularity do not determine a person’s

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