The Theories Of Emotional Abuse By Dr. Steven Stosny

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There are lots of different theories and ideas that psychologists as well an any scientist has about couple and family relationships. The one element that seems to be something more and more common between romantically involved couples is emotional abuse. The saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me” is a lie that people tell themselves that will make them feel better about their situation. A lot of women as well as men are feeling the abuse that words can come with. The following critique will be looking at advice given by Dr. Steven Stosny (2010) about emotional abuse and what types of measures you can take to prevent such an awful concept from entering your relationship. The article goes to say that no matter if you are male of female that you are can experience emotional abuse and then it gives …show more content…

However, after a long search two theories appeared that proved to be worthy. The first theory was developed by a man named David Olsen and it is called the Circumflex Model(White et al. p. 300). To commence, the model looks a three different dimensions of family functioning: cohesion, flexibility and communication(White et al. p. 300). The whole model shows the overall physical and emotional connectedness of a family and it ranges from overly disconnected to overly connected and balanced(White et al. p. 300). This seems like it would not connect to the advice that was presented previously however, according to this model, a stress-free couple is a couple family. By using communication and taking each crisis one day at a time there is no need for emotional abuse. That being said, this theory does not say that as a couple you just need to gain more self-compassion but it says to work together with your partner and then you will have significantly less

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