The Theme of Silko's Ceremony

1111 Words3 Pages

Knowing Oneself, Knows the World

The colonization of civilizations has changed the world’s history forever. From the French, Spaniard, and down to the English, have changed cultures, traditions, religions, and livelihoods of other societies. The Native Americans, for example, were one of the many civilizations that were conquered by the English. The result was their ways of life based on nature changed into the more “civilized” ways of the colonists of the English people. Many Native Americans have lost their old ways and were pulled into the new “civilized” ways. Today only a small amount of Native American nations or tribes exist in remote areas surviving following their traditions. In the book Ceremony, a story of a man named Tayo, did not know himself and the world around him but in the end found out and opened his eyes to the truth. However the Ceremony’s main message is related not only to one man but also to everything and everyone in the world. It is a book with the message that the realization of oneself will open the eyes to see what is truth and false which will consequently turn to freedom.

Tayo faced a struggle of recognizing his essence: the true definition of himself outside and most especially inside. Being a half Native American and half-Caucasian in an environment of a Native American tribe in Laguna, he was constantly reminded of being an outcast. Externally, whenever he would try to fit in any of his race, both sides would reject him with ridicules. As Emo stated against Tayo, “There he is. He thinks he’s something all right. Because he’s part white. Don’t you, half-breed?” It presented hatred from a full-blooded Native American because, “the only reason for this hate was that Tayo was part white.” In fact the shame of being a “half-breed” continued down to his relatives. Auntie’s, “shame for what his mother (Tayo’s) had done, and Auntie’s shame for him (Tayo),” was surprising even though she was one of the closest blood relative of Tayo. On his Caucasian side, encounters were similar with the Native Americans. He was not truthfully acknowledged by the Caucasians he encountered under the shadows of his military uniform, which symbolizes “his service and loyalty” for the United States because, “they had the uniform and they didn’t look different no more. They got respect” . He was automatically disregarded as “the different o...

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...who wronged Tayo and his friends profoundly, he chose not accomplish it. He was also able to see deeper into the event that are happening in the world and how everything always has purpose or a deeper meaning, realizing that finding out and correcting the faults within ourselves will solve humanity’s problems instead of blaming it on each other. Tayo’s finally knew himself and now knows the world itself.

Changes occur within societies, cultures, religions, or livelihood, people lose their sense of importance towards their roots and sense of being therefore redefining the meaning of humanity. However, as Ceremony teaches, being in touch with one’s roots and sense of being will bring about understanding of what is true or what is false. An individual should realize the meaning of their essence and in turn would bring the understanding towards the world. Ceremony’s world application evaluates and serves as a guide of how humanity should open their eyes and look at everything in a different a perspective to see it in the way of the ceremony: the way of life. The ceremony should be practiced and adapted throughout all the time, no matter the race, religion, culture or livelihood.

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