The Theme Of Success In Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers?

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Outliers 1. Malcolm Gladwell’s primary objective in Outliers is to examine achievement and failure as cultural phenomena in order to determine the factors that typically promote success. His main argument that success results from a complicated mix of factors, requires taking a closer look at why certain people, and even entire groups of people, thrive while others fail. In the chapter “The Three lessons of Joe Flom” it describes another success story for the reader to inspect. The chapter is mostly about success and failure as we look into the life of a man who, against everyone he knew, succeeded in an occupation in which he had not been accepted in so he decide that he was going to make a name for himself anyway. Gladwell begins to describe Joe Flom's origins by revealing to the reader that his family was in poverty, “His parents were Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. His father, Isadore, was a union organizer in the garment industry …show more content…

In the general view today, the majority of people have come to assume that the building blocks of achievement are in the realm of possibility with the charisma and character of the individual. Contrary to this belief, Malcolm Gladwell proclaims in his novel Outliers that achievements are shaped by foreign forces in which certain people are granted particular opportunities and advantages that not everybody is given by chance. In spite of this his formula carries strong evidence in terms of these asserted forces like blatant lucky opportunities, date of birth, and family background assisting to pave the road for achieving success, Gladwell openly dodges the expense of hard-work and persistence. Gladwell’s theory of acquiring success holds some legitimacy, yet he purposely leaves out the quality of a person's individual effort within his analyses. The heart of success is within one's ability to endure through difficulties and misfortune as opposed to it solely being a matter of people taking advantage of various outside

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