The Tempest Research Paper

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Villains come in all shapes and sizes, but some sneak up on us and we'd never expect them to be one. Sometimes It takes a lot in a someone's life to make them a villain, such as jealousy and parents having a favorite child. Then, that resentment builds up to hatred and if that person is iniquitous at heart, it is almost a matter of time until they decide to do something drastic to remove the emotion and pity themselves for their "hurt". A few major components to being named a fiend is being egotistical and full of hate for things other than power. This seems to be the case in "The Tempest", for Antonio. Throughout the play, we see him make rash decisions that are always in his own interest. He convinced Alonso that Prospero was an ill fit to hold the position of the duke. Also he bribed him so that he would exile Prospero, just so he could take his place. This was all because Antonio was envious of Prospero's title and was desirous to take it for himself. In such he created an unscrupulous plan to discard Prospero, treating him as if his life did …show more content…

Also he was basically raised animalistic so you can not blame him for trying to free himself because he has never understood what he did was wrong because he was not taught what is acceptable in a society. He is only going off of primal instincts and when Prospero took those away, he is obviously going to be reckless. Thus making him seem like a villain, but he had just lost everything he knew and his island was uprooted from his control. Another thing is Caliban wouldn't have even been in the picture, let alone an issue, if it wasn't for Antonio who cast Prospero onto the island where he was. Caliban was fine being in solidarity and Antonios' actions are what portrays Caliban as a rapscallion even though he unnerved after Prospero shows

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