The Swastika Symbol

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The swastika is an equilateral symbol with bent arms at right angles, all in the same rotary direction, usually clockwise. The swastika is a symbol of prosperity and good fortune is widely distributed throughout the ancient and modern world. In 1920 the swastika was turned to a meaning that Hitler and the Nazis created during the time of holocaust and forever changed this symbol for everyone. The Nazi Party was a political party in Germany, led by Adolf Hitler from 1921 to 1945, whose central tenets included the supremacy of the Aryan people and blaming Jews and others for the problems within Germany. Founded earlier that same year by a small group of men including locksmith Anton Drexler, and Karl Harrier promoted the party and German nationalism …show more content…

These extreme beliefs eventually led to World War II and the Holocaust. Now a day the swastika symbol is mainly known now a day as the death symbol Hitler used during the time during the holocaust. He changed this symbol in many ways that affected many people not only Jews but also people all over the world. In parts of the world, specifically in places with a lot of people with the religion of Buddhist or Hindus the swastika is extremely displayed as a religious symbol however, in other parts of the world, it is forbidden to be on display. Hitler used this …show more content…

The swastika was known, as the symbol of success and Hitler believed that the holocaust was the biggest success in the world therefore the swastika was a great symbol for the Nazis. Hitler believed that this symbol would attract many people because of the significance of how often this symbol was used, and seen all around the world. On September 15, 1936 was when Hitler officially adopted this symbol, and the color of the flag were decided and announced. This date was a

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