The Story Teller Rewrite

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On a hot Saturday during the summer, my parents called my brother, John, and I downstairs. John and I raced down stairs to see what my parents needed. They replayed the voicemail to us. It was my aunt saying to pack our bags, because she was taking us on a surprise trip. My brother and I were overcome with excitement as we packed our stuff and awaited my aunt on the steps of our house. After what seemed like many hours later, my aunt showed up to get us. We quickly told our parents “Bye!” and jumped in the car, guessing our surprise destination.
My aunt drove for about a half hour, and we eventually came to a stop. John and I looked up to see a building we had never been to before. I guess our confused expressions told my aunt that we had no idea where we were. My aunt got this super excited look and told us “We’re getting on a plane! Just a little bit longer and you will find out were we’ll be spending the weekend!” With intense eagerness, John and I jumped out of the car and followed our aunt into the big building. A few minutes later, we boarded the plane and waited eagerly to s...

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