The Shroud Of Turin: The Art Of Jesus Of Nazareth

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The Shroud of Turin is one of the relics that had confused scientists, scholars and the whole Christian community. It is basically a piece of rectangular linen cloth with dimensions 4.4 × 1.1 meters that is claimed to be the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth. Its main distinctive feature is that it has a very faint image of a man that had brutally suffered through physical torture and crucified. All the marks of the wounds present on his body due to the sharp weapons used to torture this man are shown on the image. Marks on his ankle and wrists that suggest crucifixion is also visible. There are two main distinctive features that suggest that the image of this man represents Jesus of Nazareth is the presence of wound marks on the top of the head that displays wounds caused by the crown of thorns, which is a circular band of branches with spikes that were placed on his head that inflicted serious injuries. The other feature is the wound that was visible on the side of the body which was made by a spear that pierced Jesus of Nazareth while he was hanging on the cross. The Roman Catholic Church popes accept the shroud as authentic and they claim that it is the cloth wrapped around Jesus of Nazareth’s body at his burial, and that the image was formed at his miraculous resurrection. Scientists on the other hand are conducting many scientific tests and using the help of historians to uncover the mysteries of this cloth. Is this piece of cloth really the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth? Or is it a piece of art made by a very skillful forger? These questions are going to be discussed in the following paper.
According to the Bible, after the death of Jesus on the cross, the body was taken by Joseph of Arimathea and wrapped it in linen c...

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...s light moving in a sectional like the photocopy machine, which was did not exist in medieval times.
Another suggestion that may form a similar image is by heating a sculpture at a certain degree and place the cloth on it for a specific amount of time.
The fact that the shroud had disappeared for 1300 years without any evidence of its past may drift us away from believing that it is an authentic relic, because there are suggestions that show methods that could be used for the formation of this image. The cloth may be a piece of art, but it is still very old which gives it a historical importance as it tells the story of a man who suffered very much by the romans. Many historical evidence suggest the authenticity of this relic however scientific evidence may not be able to prove the authenticity, but for sure is able to prove that it is not authentic.

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