The Shooting - Personal Narrative

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The Shooting - Personal Narrative

It started off as a normal school day. I arrived late to school, at

8:50 am, and was shouted at by Mrs Robinson. It was 23rd June 2000. I

was in Year 8 at the time. First two lessons finished as usual, and

then it was first break which was about fifteen minutes long. Boys

normally mess about during this time. On this particular day as I went

into the form room to find virtually the whole class gathered around

John Smith, a fellow pupil in my form.

He had a very sophisticated looking BB gun in his hand. It fired

little round, coloured pellets. He was showing off this gun to

everyone, firing pellets at distant objects or out of the window. When

it fired however, it made a very loud 'thud' noise, and all around him

tried their hardest to cover up this sound by coughing very loud each

time the trigger was pressed The gun was a pistol, non-automatic. It

was amazingly powerful though. This weapon was known as the 'desert

eagle'. The bullets it fired went so fast, that you only saw them once

they'd hit something. John had also managed to smuggle another firearm

into school. This one was also a pellet gun but it was a

semi-automatic M16 sub-machine gun and was capable of holding much

more ammunition. It could unload a whole magazine of these little

round, coloured pellets in a matter of seconds.

Another boy, Herbert Jenkins, picked up this gun, and without any

caution, shouted at me across the form room, "You'd better run

Abhishek," He smiled menacingly, pointing this M16 gun at me. I tried

to shirk the continuous reign of pellets, as he unloaded the entire

magazine of 36 pellets at me. I got caught and tried to shield myself

under the impenetrable, padded fortification provided by my blazer. I

scarcely felt a thing, as it was capacity and not power that counted

for this gun. Everyone stood shocked and people laughed at me as tried

to equivocate the fire.

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