The Shadow Of Hate Summary

431 Words1 Page

Yeraida Delgado

Response Papers

HUS250 – T3

Fall 2017

Instructor: Jane Gagliardi

Shadow of Hate

The Unite State protected human rights by the constitution and the amendments. The Shadow of Hate is a documentary of an Intolerance history in America. This documentary shows how people can be intolerance and also shows us to be conscious of hours tendencies. This video shows how Chinese, Japanese Americans, African American, Hispanics, and native American have been treated in different area of America. I feel that they were not treated like people they were treated like an object or animals .At the same time, the film shadow of hate teaches us about racism in the history of America. However, what is sad about this; is that racism has not quite change. Race is an idea created by society to further certain people whether it be on a political, social, or economical aspect. …show more content…

The Quakers come to America 1656 For religious and Political freedom. But they were treated like animals, kept in prison imprisoned, and banished to the forest by the Puritans. others who suffer to American was Baptists, they cut their ears off, and bore through their tongues with hot irons. Also, back in 1840 the Americans think that the Irish were like animals, and violent and unable to read or write. They refused to hire them for jobs and also burned

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