Exploring Isolation: A Study of Literature and Lifestyle

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Many people often assume that isolation is an idea of the past, but it is still alive and well today. As described in the Anglo-Saxon poem, “The Seafarer,” he was an isolationist, and much like in “The Glass Castle Memoir,” by Jeannette Walls and also in “Man homeless by choice has ‘a great life,” by Edythe Jensen, both of these modern day authors describe their main characters with qualities of an isolationists. While it may not appeal to many, there are a few people that choose to step away from society and go in their own direction. In “The Seafarer” it reads, “And yet my heart wanders away,/My soul roams with the sea…”(58-59). The Seafarer has separated himself from the society around him, making himself essentially homeless, since his …show more content…

Jon Nelson chose to be homeless, much like “The Seafarer” did. The mother from “The Glass Castle Memoir” chose to be homeless and live on the streets of New York City. Therefore, the modern day homeless person is like the Seafarer by also making themselves isolated from

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