The SS Ourang Med Why Did It Really Happened?

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Death ship, as many would call it. The SS Ourang Medan is one of the biggest mysteries in the 20th century. There is only a little bit of evidence we know about the SS Ourang Medan’s history. The actual incident was one of the most bizarre and shocking events in human history. There are many different theories about the event. Some seem realistic, while others are just filled with imagination. In order to understand the incident of the SS Ourang Medan, one needs to know it’s background, the event, and the different theories surrounding this ship. There have been two different accounts of when and where the incident actually happened. The story first appeared in a Dutch-Indonesian newspaper. According to the newspaper, the date of the incident …show more content…

Was it just a cover-up? There are no official records that prove the SS Ourang Medan ever existed. Although the Silver Star was real, records have proven that it was sailing the coast of Brazil at the time. Researchers think that the SS Ourang Medan was actually a smuggling ship to carry dangerous gases and bioweapons made by the Japanese. Many believe this theory as the second world war had just ended. The Japanese had a secret research base called Unit 731. It was used to create the most dangerous chemical and biological weapons. They would test the chemical and biological weapons on prisoners of war. Maybe it was Unit 731 that was smuggled onto the Dutch ship, trying to go unnoticed. Seawater could have entered the ship, causing the dangerous gases to react, killing everyone on the ship. A contradicting fact is that the crew of the Silver Star never faced any harm from the supposed gases on the ship. Another theory about the incident is the subject surrounding paranormal activity. The crew of the SS Ourang Medan may have been attacked by extraterrestrials. The dead had a pose of something was going to happen to them. Their eyes were open wide, and their arms were reaching up towards something unknown. Was it extraterrestrials, or was it just from a natural cause? Methane bubbles could of bubbled up from a fissure on the seafloor and poisoned the crew. An unobserved fire or failure in the boiler room may have caused all of the deaths. Carbon monoxide from the boiler room could of leaked out causing the deaths of the crew, eventually igniting the explosion. The most confusing part of this incident is why there are 2 dates surrounding the event. In 1954, a German booklet was written by Otto Mielke. He seemed to know a lot about the SS Ourang Medan. The book was called Das Totenschiffin der Sudsee. Otto Mielke

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