The Role of Politics in Public Transportation

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Politics plays an important role in any aspect of planning, but none such more than transport planning and the investments and policies that go in to constructing the aspects associated. As with any discipline, politics plays both positive and negative roles in public transport planning, policies and investment; as it shapes decision-making and the degrees of financial support that is given to each project. Because politics brings both positive and negative effects to public transport planning it can both promote and obstruct development. In the case of Auckland, New Zealand, politics plays a negative role, obstructing the development of a better public transport system for the city and surrounding neighborhoods. Although there are various different ways that politics can contribute to public transport planning, policies and investment, many of these roles can have both a positive and a negative impact. In any country the government plays a crucial role in the organisation and distribution of goods and services in the public sector, and to the organisation of policies and investments that surround the transportation system, including public transit. Enhanced and efficent public transport systems are necessary not only to provide better public service, but also to reduce demand for personal vehicles and the various problems associated with it (Wan, Wang, & Sperling, 2013).National governments around the world differ in their social and economic structures, and in particular their infrastructure projects and investments (Galilea & Medda, 2010), and because of this, public transportation differs extensively around the world. The national and/or local government essentially is in charge and runs the various modes of public transpor... ... middle of paper ... ...nsit Benefits and Costs: Best Practices Guidebook. Victoria Transport Policy Institute . Mees, P., & Dodson, J. (2006). Backtracking Auckland: Bureaucratic rationality and public preferences in transport planning. Urban Research Program Issues Paper 5 , 1-20. Mineta, N. Y. (2006). Public-private partnerships strengthen transport investment. Journal of Transportaion,Law,Logistics & Policy , 401-409. Muhammad, I. (2014). Imran Muhammad: Politics keeping hand-brake on public transport progress. Retrieved from The New Zealand Herald. Ni, A. Y. (2012). The risk-averting game of transport public-private partnership. Public Performance and Managment Review , 253-274. Wan, Z., Wang, X., & Sperling, D. (2013). Policy and politics behind the public transportation systems of China's medium-sized cities: Evidence from the Huizhou reform. Utilities policy , 1-8.

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