Examples Of Sexism In Today's Society

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At a young age people learned sexist ways and how to say things, but they were never told that it was sexist. But as you grow older that’s all you hear is, it’s not mail man is mail deliver or lunch lady it is actually the food server. There are also people that have been taught to not be sexist, those people tend not to be corrected that often. And one of the things that get people the most, is when people think of rolls in society that are given to those men and women. You can also see all forms of sexism being used at school, in sports, or at a job, and also toward both men and women of both past and present and how it is also a big deal in other countries.
Many people are sexist in today 's society, but not as bad as it once was. But then …show more content…

And in this case you are implying everyone in the group is a male. Another example of being sexist is when you are talking to an opposite gender person on the phone or in person and asking if you may speak with the opposite gender of that person. Whether it being a male asking to speak with a male, or a female asking to speak with a female. It is extremely rude but in some people 's opinions it is easier talking to the same gender because they feel as if they can speak without being judged or having awkward tension between the two of them. In today 's world there are a lot of roles that are just considered to be only one …show more content…

In some countries women must cover their faces in public. Also in some countries women that vote for some things are considered to be half a male 's vote or even a third. Some places women don’t have any say in political matters. You also see it used toward both men and women of both past and present. But not only in the U.S. but also in other countries. But in other places they have the most power, like Queen Elizabeth of England.
You see all forms of sexism being used at school, in sports, or at a job, and also toward both men and women of both past and present and how it is also is a big deal in other countries. Sexism is still a big thing in our society today. People still use slurs and even sayings that are very sexist toward one gender or the other. Those sayings and slurs are being used toward the opposite gender either being in a school as young kids or at a job as adults. With both of them being used toward men and women, but not only in america it happens all over the

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