The Role Of Ponyboy In The Outsiders

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Would being put into the system benefit Ponyboy? Darry does work re really hard to keep Ponyboy with him but, if Ponyboy keeps slipping up he could end up losing his privilege of staying with Darry. Darry has made so much sacrifices and works very hard to keep Ponyboy he should be able to stay with him. Ponyboy should not be taken away because Darry really cares for him and does th best he can for him and Sodapop. In the text he states how scared he was when Pony ran off ”Pony, you had me scared to death. Please be careful, because I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to you” (Hinton p. 98) This also shows he waited for Ponyboy to get home. ”But we didn’t have the money to send him to college, even with the athletic scholarship he

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