The Rich Get Thinner The Poor Walthier

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Food. It is what everything depends on. Plants depend on it, animals depend on it, and humans depend on it. However, humans deal with food an entirely different way than any other species on the planet. As humans we are able to put a price in regards to food. High authorities are able to decide basically which class of humans can receive what types of food. They are able to do so without consideration of the issues they are causing. The wealthier communities receive the benefits of healthy foods while the poor community gets the complete opposite. Because of fact that, there has been a mass increase in obesity rates, as well as unhealthier lifestyles. Some say that the poor community has the resources in order to get healthy, others say it …show more content…

Coming from someone who has tried multiple times in order to eat healthier, it was a difficult task to complete due to the higher prices of fruits and vegetables. I did not feel like making my parents spend more money they needed to. According to Warwick Sabin in his piece, “The Rich Get Thinner, the Poor Get Fatter”, people who cannot afford the high prices of whole foods, settle for the purpose those which fit their needs but not their good health. This corresponds to how good health becomes less important as prices rise. The walthier community is able to afford whatever type of food they want. They are capable of buying thinning foods while the poor must rely on the much fattier foods. I even struggle at putting together the money for a fresh salad. If it becomes too much of a difficult task, I then find myself buying the cheap yet filling burger. Nonetheless, these price changes have resulted in retaliations. Solomon H. Katz asserts that in Mexico, there has been mass amounts of violence that has taken place, and there has been protests in multiple countries against the rise of food prices. People are speaking out, standing for what they believe is right, and what is right is for them; to have better food opportunities. To have the chance to survive by being able to afford actual whole foods instead of settling for unhealthy foods. And even starving themselves to avoid eating …show more content…

These business pray on the poor, whispering to them to spend the little money they have on the worst foods they could ever provide for themselves. It is hard to pass up. Eating until your stomach is full for cheap. However, these businesses are still taking advantage of them. They could be very much provided with grocery stores with fresh foods. That is what the need. Not another McDonalds down the block, but a store that could provide healthier food

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