The Reporting Party Case Study

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Referral #1193-9731-0706-0082040 was received by CCIB Intake. The reporting party is Sharon Moreno, FFA Supervisor (262) 804-0100. The reporting party (RP) reported foster mother Lori Steele located at 1048 Newhill Street, Glendora CA 91740 observed foster child Chateau Lane-Jones had been sending nude photos and video to men on "Facebook" and "Snapchat. Some of the replies from the mew indicated they were going to see Chateau. The replies included pictures of men. On 10/20/16 Chateau provided the name of her school and the foster parent's address. This information was provided by Chateau's foster sisters. The RP was not aware if the pictures the men submitted were nude or not. According to the RP the foster mother has been proactive in protecting

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