The Relationship between the pH and Biotic Index of a Stream

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The Relationship between the pH and Biotic Index of a Stream


An investigation to find out the water quality in a stream at three

different sites and see whether pH affects the biotic index.


I predict that the stream will be most polluted at the third site

which is lowest down the stream, and the stream will be cleanest at

the beginning. I think this because at the end of the stream, more

pollution has been able to enter into the stream, and at the beginning

of the stream, less pollution has entered into the stream. Different

forms of pollution which may enter into the stream include fertilizers

seeping in through the soil, air pollution from the surroundings and

also from human impact through washing detergent and excretion. Due to

all these pollutions entering the stream, I predict that the pH level

of the water high up in the stream will be less acidic than lower down

than in the stream.


* Independent

* Sites

* Dependent

* Water Quality

* Controlled

* Number of species to collect

* Errors & Uncertainties

* Changes in weather

* Water speed

* Water temperature


* Universal Indicator Paper

* Biotic Index Chart

* Large net

* Water basin

* Magnifying glass

* pH chart


1. Select three different sites to collect data from

2. Using the net, create a whirlpool in the stream so that organisms

come up above the sand

3. Sweep the net around in one direction, upstream to collect


4. Keeping the net still in the water but the top of it out of the

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