The Reflection Of Intrapersonal Communication And Personality Development

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Communication is defined as the process of sending and receiving information, to achieve understanding. We are never not communicating; it is how we learn about ourselves and others. It allows us to understand each other. Effective communication helps us express ourselves and articulate thoughts and ideas, which makes it easier for others to be responsive to them. Intrapersonal communication is important for self-conceptualization because to understand others, one must understand themselves. How we communicate and how we learned and are learning to, is unique to everyone. My parents are not married and never were, so I traveled between the two households daily. I was surrounded with adults a lot when I was younger, which I think influenced …show more content…

I have a less common family. I have an older brother and theres an eight year difference between us, so I am the youngest at my moms. I know I am the youngest because my mom lets me do a lot of things she never let my brother do, she is very laid back with me. I enjoy attention and handle it well with my comedic side, usually in small groups. But much like an only child, I am a perfectionist and more confident than other people my age, especially around adults. I find it easier to interact with adults rather than my peers at times. Up until I was twelve, I was an only child at my dads, and I spent enough time there I was treated as such. Then my sister was born and my other younger brother, three years later when I was fifteen. I then became the oldest and collectively, between the two families, I am a middle child. There is a rebellious side of me as well; I can be very stubborn and do not like authority. If I am going to do a task like wash the dishes or do my homework, I will not do it if someone tells me too. Even if I decided that I was already going to, I will not, or I will find a way to defy that authority telling me what to do while still getting it done. It is a personal victory for myself if I can accomplish that. I like to do things in unconventional ways to prove to myself and others I am different. While I love my family, I can often …show more content…

I am an ENTP, but could also be considered an ENFP due to the lack of preference of thinking over feeling. ENTP’s can be described as funny, yet incisively accurate. They have a different kind of humor, one that is deliberate, and like to argue for the sake of arguing. I know I deliberately push people’s buttons I am comfortable around to humor myself. I also found to while I am quite the optimist, I can be sulky about small incidences. I connect strongly with ENTP’s need to be straightforward. It is much easier when people say what they mean, then there is no confusion and the lines of communication are much clearer! It really depends on the person, but when I meet someone new, and have decided I like them, I immediately want to be good friends and want them to think similarly of me. My results also stated ENTP’s have the ability to bond quickly and closely with those they love, which I found to be an interesting connection. I can also read people well; I can pick out people who I’ll be good friends with. I feel drawn to them, and I like to think of my group of close friends as a collection of people who I share commonalties with. When I find individuals I click so well with, it is hard not to form strong relationships with

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