The Red-Headed League By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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Sherlock Characterization of Good Criminal Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the author of one of the mostly know detectives in writing, Sherlock Holmes. First, the thought of him being a criminal is not all that absurd. When he solves the crimes so well it must not be that hard to do the crime when you know how to solve one and you can just reverse the way the crime was done. Second, in the short story, “The Red-Headed League,” Holmes discovers an elaborate criminal plot to rob the Bank of London and set a trap to catch the criminals in the act of burglarizing the bank. Also, holmes says, “I have always had an idea that I could have made a highly efficient criminal…Burglary was always an alternative profession had I cared to adopt it, ” this show that holmes would be a good criminal because he thinks he would do it in another lifetime, another reason is, with the way he solves the crimes and other skills such as observation, good memory and knowing what events are happening and how …show more content…

The examples that Holmes shows, that he has the skill to remember what is happening in the past and put together clues. For example, in the story it says, “I should like just to remember the order of the houses here. It is a hobby of mine to have an exact knowledge of london,”(Doyle, pg 82). This shows that Holmes would be a good criminal because he finds it fascinating to remember the exact location of the homes and that could come in handy when he wants to remember a code to something that is part of his crime. Let’s say for instance that he wants the rob the bank in the story, “The Red-Headed League,” he might watch someone put a code in then remember the code for a time when it’s more important or credit card pin numbers. Holmes would make a good criminal because he has the a good memory and finds a hobby in memorizing things that will come in handy in a

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