The Reasons for the Second Revolution in Russia in 1917

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The Reasons for the Second Revolution in Russia in 1917 There was a second revolution in Russiain 1917 for a variety of different reasons. It was particularly the mistakes made by the provisional government and the problems caused by the dual government and the previous revolution in February which had allowed the Bolsheviks to make a leap to power in this revolution. If the February revolution had not taken place, the Czar would most likely still be in power, there would be no provisional government and therefore it would have been almost impossible for the Bolsheviks to plan an uprising. The February revolution left Russiain a state of confusion over who was in power, and most people were still dissatisfied as most of their grievances were still outstanding. The provisional government that had been set up after the February revolution had been doomed from the start. As they wanted to turn Russiainto democratic country, they were only set up temporarily, until a real government was elected. As they were only in place for a short amount of time, they felt they had no official power to enforce any decisions that they made. This caused a great deal of resentment from many people, particularly the peasants who had hoped for immediate land redistribution, and were very dissatisfied with the government. As the PetrogradSoviet had so much more support than the provisional government, they had to consult it before making any decisions, (i.e. a dual government). This was a very dangerous situation as if the two bodies disagreed the provisional government would be unable to stand up alone without the support of the PetrogradSoviet. When Lenin was allowed to return in April by the Germans (in the hope he would help with Russian withdrawal from the war) he encouraged the Bolsheviks to oppose everything the provisional government did, ensuring that as the provisional government lost support the Bolsheviks would gain popularity, and not be associated with any mistakes that the provisional government made. Therefore the return of Lenin was a very important factor in the revolution as he initiated

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