The Real Dracula Research Paper

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You may have asked, do vampires truly exist? Can the Folklore be real? Can humans become vampires? Vampires come from myths long ago in Europe. Marc Lallanilla in his article “The Real Dracula: Vlad the Impaler,” explains that the myth came from the actions of a historical figure, “The morbid nickname is a testament to the Wallachian prince's favorite way of dispensing with his enemies”(Lallanilla). The Vampire story came from a prince that impaled his enemies with stakes and actually had a bloodlust. That is a good example of how Vampires can be similar to human beings, because some humans can be the worst vampires there are. There may not be real life vampires that live off eating human blood, but people are a little similar to them. Humans …show more content…

In the film Dracula from 1931 there is a scene where some men saw in the mirror that Dracula was not being reflected, and as one of the men showed Dracula, he acted in rage and hit the mirror out of the man’s hands. Dracula was not able to see the monster he was, and did not want to accept it. People are not perfect and that is what makes us human. There can be situations where others do not see that they have a problem with themselves. Like a person who is addicted to heroin, they will think that nothing is wrong with them and that they are ok and healthy, but in reality they need all the help they can get to quit their addictions. Also there are some people who have really bad habits and do not see what they are doing like biting their nails, scratching their heads, talking back, being rude etc. There are many imperfections that someone has in their life. A Vampire cannot see that they are a monster because they have the inability to see themselves in the mirror, and someone who cannot see who they are and how they are will not develop a sense in how to behave in life. If someone does not want to believe and see how they really are, then they are just lying to themselves. A serial killer will think it is ok to kill people and commit crimes without thinking of the consequences. A person mentally sick like a serial killer will look in the mirror and just see themselves, but they will not see the monsters that they are truly

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