Lasto Testimonies And The Vampire Similarities

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The vampires in Lastovo Testimonies are noticeably different than those in module one because of how they are identified and their way of wreaking havoc. But despite their differences, there are some similarities between all the vampires. In Lastovo Testimonies, the vampire was hated because it spread disease to the towns people and caused death. People in the town who got diarrhea and died were thought to be infected by vampires. The depiction of vampires in Lastovo Testimonies are similar to the depiction of the vampire in The Peasant and the Corpse because of how vampires were hated by the towns people. In both stories the vampires were searched for by the towns people who went to the cemetery looking for vampires by digging up graves. In The Peasant and the Corpse, the peasant told the towns people about the horrors of the vampire that almost killed two people which angered the towns people and began to search for the vampire in the cemetery. In Lastovo Testimonies, some people decided to take matters into their …show more content…

Vampires in both folklore and history are considered evil creatures who are capable of killing or harming individuals. They have a bad reputation which ties both forms together. The folkloric vampires consist of tales told by people and have been preserved orally and historic vampires also have been brought about by tales. The differences between the two are extreme. The folkloric vampires have a specific order to how it is written which was created by Vladimir Propp. Because folklores are tales, they have a specific way to be written. Whereas historical vampires are more believable and cynical. The idea behind historic vampire are centered behind disease and death with a sexual connotation. These kind of vampires spread disease/death like in Lastovo Testimonies. The historic vampires are more believable because of their realistic

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