The Rate Of A Reaction Between Hydrochloric Acid And Sodium Thiosulphate

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The Rate Of A Reaction Between Hydrochloric Acid And Sodium Thiosulphate Aim: I am going to investigate the effect of changing the concentration of Sodium Thiosulphate on the rate of the reaction between Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Thiosulphate. Prediction: I predict that as the concentration of the Sodium Thiosulphate doubles, the rate of the reaction will double. I believe that when the most concentrated solution is used the reaction would be at its fastest. Collision Theory: In a more concentrated solution there are more particles so collisions occur more frequently. The more often they collide the faster they react. This means that the rate of reaction will increase if the concentration of the reactants is increased. As shown below: Key= Sodium Thiosulphate Hydrochloric Acid Less concentrated solution More concentrated solution Independent Variable The variable that I am going to change is the concentration of Sodium Thiosulphate. Dependent Variable The dependent variable is the time in which the solution becomes cloudy thus hiding the X. Controlled Variables The controlled variables are the temperature, concentration of the acid, volumes of the Sodium Thiosulphate and the Hydrochloric Acid, Agitation/stirring. A factor which may change my results could be how I perceive that the X is marked. Summary Method My investigation is how the concentration of Sodium Thiosulphate will affect the rate of reaction. I will be using a range of concentrations from 10cm to 50cm to make it easier to see the difference in a graph. I then have to record the time taken for the reaction to finish. Once I have completed the 5 experiments I will use a table to gather my results and a graph to interpret them. However before I gather my results I will repeat the experiments for reliability and accuracy. Apparatus/Equipment The following apparatus is what I need for this experiment: * 3 measuring cylinders * 2 conical flasks * 1 stopwatch

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