The Pros and Cons of ICT

548 Words2 Pages

Advantages and Disadvantages of ICT

ICT has made my project easier to do.

Making a catalogue is a long process, involving a lot of design and

research plans, using a computer and IT based materials has cut down

the time it would take of I had done it manually.

For example, before starting to make my catalogue I had to do some

research on the items I wanted to advertise, using the internet was a

faster more efficient way of doing this. The internet showed the

websites I needed to go on that had the right information.

If I had not used a computer I would have had to carry task out

manually, which is very time consuming, for example,

Cropping pictures down to the right size to fit the catalogue.

The computer does this accurately and more precise than a human can

do, cutting.

Also copying and pasting, doing this on a computer, then printing

means no Pritt Stick: This can look tacky and bad quality. Using ICT

gives the best presentation possible.

Key skill 12

There is so much technical equipment in the ICT rooms, precautions

need to be taken, so that nobody gets hurt, when I was in the ICT

room, I made sure that drinks and food were not near the computers, so

that the equipment would operate in the right order.

Also I made sure that bags were not left in the walking areas, so that

others would not trip over them and hurt themselves.

To prevent fires, fore extinguishers were present in the room and the

sockets were not over loaded.

Work surfaces remained clear to avoid clutter.

Five minutes before the end of every lesson, I saved the work I had

done that day to make sure all my work is well documented and so I can

continue from where I stopped in the next lesson.

[IMAGE]I saved my work on my part of the school network, in My


Particularly working in this project I made a new folder called

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