The Pros And Cons Of Tort Law

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In tort law, a duty of care is a lawful commitment which is forced on an individual expecting adherence to a standard of sensible care while playing out any demonstrations that could predictably hurt others. It is the main component that must be built up to continue with an activity of carelessness. Hot drinks, for example, tea, hot chocolate, and coffee are regularly served at temperatures between 160 degrees Fahrenheit and 185 degrees Fahrenheit. Brief exposures to fluids in this temperature range can cause noteworthy burns to the skin. I personally say that McDonald's did not demonstrate a duty of care towards Stacy Liebeck. Liebeck's vehicle was stopped, she was adding sugar and cream to the coffee, and coffee that is served to clients should be sufficiently hot that it tastes great yet sufficiently cool that you can drink it when its passed out the window. …show more content…

Hence, caps take away the power of judges and juries, who hear the evidence for a given situation, to choose payment regarding each individual situation. Rather, it puts these choices in the hands of lawmakers, forsaking this nation's history of individualized justice for all. A cap is typically characterized by a dollar figure. Caps are only used after an individual or a company has been found liable for their harmful actions. They don't have anything to do with "frivolous" claims. They apply regardless of how much legitimacy a case has, or the degree of

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