The Pros And Cons Of Slavery

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Tumblr’s whole “cis” hate thing is really messed up. I think this because all the post I see are basically people just blasting out there opinion the same way most right wing republicans voice theirs. It’s irrational not easily backed up and is only different in that they are supporting opposite sides. You get my drift? The basis that they can keep this argument is basically that they’ve been oppressed by these people so it’s totally justified.
It’s kind of like saying that you, as a black person, can hate white people and it’s totally justified because slavery. White people are bad and should just die because they have all the privilege and are total scum. They should just accept this hate because it’s not like they’ve done anything not to deserve it. Oppressors can’t be oppressed.
That is literally the worst reason to ever hate somebody. I’m not saying that slavery was even remotely okay because no it was not. It doesn’t mean all white people are bad. In fact why would race even matter at this point if technically we’re all supposed to be “equal”.
Same way why would identifying as any gender/or not identifying as one, matter since we’re all supposed to be EQUAL. And before anybody comes at me with “we can’t be equal if all these cis scum keep silencing trans people” shut the fuck up and listen. Yeah there are some real dicks out there and there always will be. Ignorant people will continue to be ignorant unless taught otherwise. Some will refuse to listen but yeah just like you anti-religious people on tumblr say don’t go shoving your opinion in people’s face. IT DOESN’T WORK.
Now some of you are going to come out and say “They’re not targeting all cisgender people and if you’re offended is just means you’re also cis scum”. Th...

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...d question loving you’re own child you’re own flesh and blood because they quote on quote “chose” to be what they felt most comfortable with. What make you so different than from the trans haters who throw out their children for not sticking to “social norms” -whatever the fuck that is- or for people who hate on the LGBT+ community for just existing.
That’s all I have to say on this subject because fuck arguing. Fuck arguing with people who refuse to see the damn logical side of the argument. So yeah call me all the names in the book I don’t give a shit. Say that my argument is just not a good one because I’m not oppressed and I would never understand anything about that. Say I’ve never been abused by an adult figure in my life or other people so I would never get where you were coming from. Whatever I said my piece so I’ll shut up now and let you continue arguing.

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