The Pros And Cons Of Juvenile System

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Every country has a Juvenile system and each one has different ideas on how they sentence the offender. Each country comes up with different punishments whether it be jail time, probation, and detention home or depending on the seriousness even death! In different countries, age is a big factor on whether they will be held criminally responsible or not. Age also determines whether they are charged as a juvenile or adult. Finland handles their juveniles in a different matter than the United States. Any child under the age of fifteen that commits a crime is placed under the Child Welfare Act. This Act can also be applied to children between fifteen and seventeen. These children under the age limit can be investigated by the police, but their crimes cannot be dealt with in any criminal court. However, their offense can be subject to intervention or even civil damages. They, however, can be held for interview purposes for up to twenty-four hours but cannot be arrested. The child welfare system is responsible mostly for finding jobs or housing and providing a vocational school. Sometimes if a child commits a serious crime they can be removed from the home and placed in foster care if a parent cannot provide the care they need. A social worker will make several visits for support and offer help. Financial
Probation consists of a period of time in which they will have regular meetings with a probation officer. They will be required to be home at a certain time, possibly community service, or even pay restitution. Depending on the situation, the officer may require drug or alcohol counseling, weekend confinement in a detention center. When they meet their probation terms the judge can dismiss the case. However, if they fail probation can be revoked and another punishment is

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