Should Juveniles Be Tried As Adults

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MHBA Rayne Byard

Should Juveniles Be Tried As Adults?

Should Juveniles be tried as adults? As you read the following article, you will see that this argument has two sides to it with several arguments supporting both. Juvenile offenders are children under the age of 18 who have commited assaults, and/or murder. Some juveniles can get less sentencing based on the crime they committed, however some juveniles get harsh sentencings. Sentencings like life, or 10-20 years. Sometimes judges and the jury like to give harsher sentences based on race, and the crime itself and sometimes they never look at their age. To begin with, by giving juveniles harsh sentencing it creates a message of lost hope. It can give an impression that there is no hope of them ever becoming anything but a criminal and convict. This is damaging for all of society and especially for the young offender and their family. They wouldn't be able to survive in society. …show more content…

It gives then no ability to rehabilitate after the arrest. Children in adult prison have more to lose than freedom, some juveniles miss out on educational advances and psychological benefits. Children and juvenile offenders are more likely to get sexually abused or even raped by other inmates and guards. For example, A 19 year old named Jasir murdered his cousin and went to an adult prison, he came out of prison at the age of 29 and had been raped and sexually assualted, he became mentally unstable and unable to survive in the

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