Community Of Inquiry: Theories Of Human Nature

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A Community of Inquiry, a social gathering of where participants put forth their views and questions are debated, fosters critical reasoning and the ability to express oneself. With regards to human nature, a complex notion that has been described extensively by different philosophies and religions, a CI can be the remedy to a theories diagnosis; yet can also counteract the remedy put forth by the theory. Each human has his or her own theory as to our nature, some classing while others align. Therefore, this essay will explore the merits and pitfalls to engaging in a CI with two distinct theories of human nature being debated. Plato, the student of Socrates, believed that the best life that is most beneficial to humans involves reasoning. …show more content…

He believes that humans have the ability to exercise free will in certain areas of life, even though we do not have control over our destiny. Humans are also malleable, constantly evolving. Confucius proclaims there are five distinct things wrong with human nature. The first is that humans are greedy, in that we yearn for money and profit. Human also lack respect of others, as well as being untrustworthy, proclaiming one thing and doing another. Humans tend to ignore their past, leading them prone to moral adrift and wrong action. Finally Confucius states that benevolence or human relationships are rare and not …show more content…

Communities of Inquiry, as stated before with Plato’s view foster education. Though education in these sessions are not what Confucius had in mind for remedying ignorance. Educations in CI’s are current, with present day issues usually being discuses, and present day examples and information being put forth. The Community ignores the past, because it is irrelevant to their discussions. The past is already solved, and any unresolved issues are not in the past, they are present issues. Therefore in a Community, education of the present is actually encouraged by the CI, therefore hindering the remedy for ignorance, which is past education. Participation in a CI therefore due to this hindrance of past education causes

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