The Pros And Cons Of Hate Groups

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Tactics of hate groups have notably shifted over the past few decades. But there are a few facets worth noting that have aided in such shift more than others. The first, and most noticeable, being that of the rise in technology.

Information is distributed at a more vast and immense rate than ever in history. With such, though, comes much room for deception. Hate groups have risen over the last decade alone, and I think much of which is due to the news being overly-distributed. But with such, a new attempt to construct a bridge has risen in recent years.

In the recent election, much of Donald Trump's narrative surrounded that of racial and cultural issues. Along with this election, we began to see such a shift in conforming with the seeming "status quo" of the news. Hate groups could now somehow relate to the beliefs of who is now the President of this country. Along with his platform comes the political right and the radical "Christian right". …show more content…

It is as if the groups are attempting to grasp and re-craft the beliefs of such political and Christian right, and use it to their advantage. In doing so, their group will gain more notoriety; in return, fulfilling validation to the

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