The Pros And Cons Of Going Nuclear

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Going Nuclear Our earth is the only one we have so shouldn't we take care of it? Well, we have not been. Almost everything we do to produces energy has some effect on our earth. Usually, it's not good. For the past 10 years we have been producing some of the most incredible technology imaginable, but it has been at a cost to to something much greater. If we continue to use natural gas and oil to fuel our power plants to produce energy we will kill our earth.we as antaion like to believe that we are diverse when it comes to how we produce electricity, but we aren't. A far high majority of it is from natural gas/fossil fuels/crude oil. One may see the occasional wind farm or solar panel array around but that has virtually no effect on the overall picture. We all know there …show more content…

When asked about some of the main problems with operation and maintenance is that it's “the cost, it is much more expensive to operate and maintain Nuclear plants as compared to non-Nuclear plants. On the other side, the fuel costs would be cheaper(Skokowski). Also, when asked about the work needed to operate plants he explained that there is not a need for many operators. To operate at a specific plant one must “ be tested and retested every quarter. The test consist of a book or written portion and a simulator portion where operators need to recognize issues that are happening and then be able to take the right actions for that issue”(Skokowski). According to Skokowski, the maintenance checks are not a problem with nuclear power plants because they can be done during the refueling periods, so no extra time is needed or wasted to see if the systems are running correctly. This is extremely helpful because for other sources, time is taken to make maintenance checks to the

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