Why We Shouldn T Litter

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Stop Litter!

Do you know what ruins the earth. Pollution! So many people think it is a good idea to just throw things on the ground and think. “Oh nothing's gonna happen if I throw this bag of Cheetos on the ground outside”. Well they are wrong. They are making life worse for the animals out there. I am giving four reasons why you should not litter. Here is one way we are hurting the earth. Ocean life! People just put wrappers and in the sea and are not realizing that they are hurting ocean life. Did you know that every year that the are about 9 billion tons of garbage thrown in the ocean every year. That is more than the world population. Almost 56 billion ocean animals are killed each year from …show more content…

100,000 mammals are dying from eating the plastic as well. Pollution is the one pf the biggest reasons of endangerment. We are causing species do fade away slowly. We need to keep the earth clean. We are bringing 16,306 endangered species to the world. What about all the animals that people want to see? What is your favorite wild animal? Wouldn’t you like to keep it alive incase you want to see it again? Here is my another reason why we should stop pollution. We are killing each other! Do you know how many people die from pollution each year. 4.6 million!!!! We are causing death of are friends and family by littering. We are breathing in the toxin from this stuff. How much do you love your family? A lot right. Other people feel the same exact way about their loved ones at home. When they go outside they breath in air and guess what else. Toxin!. The people are dying and we need to stop.

What helps us breath and without them we would die without them. Plants! 600,300 plants are dying from pollution. We need plants to breath. I know most people like to plant plants in there front and back yard and love looking at them. Well you're killing their garden and they wonder why THEY COME BACK HOME AND SEE SOME DEAD PLANTS!!!! Think they are happy. Heck no. Why kill the

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