The Pros And Cons Of Common Core Standards

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Throughout the course of history, students have been subject to endless waves of educational reform. However, none so drastic and far-reaching as the adoption of Common Core State Standards in 2009. Common Core started shortly after President George W. Bush signed the "No Child Left Behind" act, which aimed to ensure that all kids in public schools had a fair chance of graduating with their age group. The act required states to adopt a set of academic standards that forced rigorous learning objectives on students. During the Obama administration, the "Race to the Top" act was signed into legislation. This allowed the United States Government to impose a set of requirements on state-run schools. The most prominent mandate was for states to adopt …show more content…

Years later, the consequences are evident in decreasing school climates and upset students. Anthony Cody, a high school science teacher found that "of the 25 individuals in the work groups charged with drafting the standards, six were associated with the test makers from the College Board, five with the test publishers at ACT, and four with Achieve. Zero teachers were in the work groups" (Karp). With zero input from teachers, parents, students, and other educational stakeholders, the Common Core had little connection to how kids learn and become successful. The ideals …show more content…

However, students lament this system because of how it has jeopardized them psychologically. With teachers using fear as a motivation to work and pass tests, students with high test anxiety perceive failure as a threat. In 2015, a group of psychologists conducted a study to determine how Common Core has impacted students. The psychologists concluded "Fear appeals when preparing students to take high-stakes assessments, well-intentioned teachers may use fear appeals in hopes of motivating students, believing that students will make greater efforts to prepare for tests and to avoid failure" (Saeki). Research has proven that because of the Common Core Standards, teachers must resort to instilling fear into the minds of students in hopes that they will pass tests. Using fear as a method of motivation significantly damages a student's level of self-esteem, as well as their ability to

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