The Pros And Cons Of Cognitive Enhancement

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The arising issue of cognitive enhancement drugs has evolved into a predominant concern in regard to educational habitats, namely, the immoral usage of Cognitive enhancement drugs to perform presumably well in the user’s study sessions and exams. With accordance to the unfair advantage that students gain, the subject emerges whether or not there should be a rule prohibiting the usage of cognitive enhancement drugs in the educational field. Firstly, I firmly state that there should be a rule prohibiting the use of cognitive enhancement drugs for a many reasons. The most important reason is that it inhibits students from integrally attaining analytical skills in any given educational environment. However, I object the initial claim by positing that cognitive enhancement drugs do not thwart students’ analytical skills, thus proving that the original argument is wholly unsound. The cognitive enhancement drug that I am mainly focusing on is called Adderall, also known as “the study pill”. Adderall is an amphetamine primarily used for treating patients with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), as well as narcolepsy. The food and drug administration lists the effect of Aderall as “May help increase attention and decrease impulsiveness and hyperactivity in patients with ADHD” [FDA]. When used with normal dosage, Adderall counterbalances attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy by triggering the discharge of adrenaline, which will increase heart rate, therefore causing more blood to flow to the muscles. As a result of this, the use of Adderall causes feelings of energy and invigoration. Unfortunately, it is becoming a very popular drug among college students as a study tool because it causes improvement in concen... ... middle of paper ... ...itive enhanced drugs and how it thwarts the attainment of analytical skills. Thus, a rule ought to be created against CED use. Now I object why the argument I have posed against CED is not sound. Although analytical skills are in fact an internal good of education, it is incorrect to declare that CED usage thwarts the ability to analyze information. Cognitive enhancement drugs are scientifically proven to heighten one’s ability to focus, problem-solve, and notably, analyze information upon use. Additionally, it enhances study habits that reveal in test scores. To elaborate, Cognitive enhancement drugs are used simply to attain better grades to benefit one’s future. To conclude, cognitive enhancement drugs promote own personal will and there should not be a rule against cognitive enhancement drugs because it does not thwart internal good, but rather enhances them.

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